The Mathematics Project Competition for Secondary Schools is organised by the Mathematics Education Section, Curriculum Development Institute, Education Bureau. It aims at promoting students’ interest in learning Mathematics and developing students’ generic skills through project learning. The competition comprises two categories: Category A (Junior secondary project) and Category B (S1 mini-project).
CHUI Tsz-hin
GOUW Juin-hao, Aaron
YUEN Tsz-chung
CHENG Chak-hin
TSUI Lok-tung
NG Yu-ching
Junior Secondary
Champion (Junior secondary project)
Awarded work
Theme of the Portfolio
Brief of Work
AU Cheuk-yi
LI Sze-wing, Jennifer
LI Tsz-yau
WONG Hin-lam
CHAN Hoi-chi, Galie
Junior Secondary
1st runner-up (Junior secondary project)
Awarded work
Celebrating Marion's Theorem: Correlations, Construction and Connections
Theme of the Portfolio
Brief of Work
In this report, we attempted to prove Marion’s Theorem with a deductive approach. We also expanded on her discoveries by constructing variations of the original diagram, and attempted to prove the observations and special properties found. The idea was extended to equilateral and isosceles triangles, and then to parallelograms, rhombuses, squares and rectangles. This project has connected the younger generation of mathematicians to the older generations. Although this all started by simply connecting lines together, we have achieved our goal at the end: “Celebrating Marion’s Theorem: Correlation, Construction and Connection”.
HE Huang-zhen
CHENG Man-hei
LAM Kwan-ho
LEUNG Ka-hei
LI Lok-yin
WONG Ka-fun
Junior Secondary
2nd runner-up (Junior secondary project)
Awarded work
The COVID-19 Testing Problem: Efficiency of Conducting Tests
Theme of the Portfolio
Brief of Work
During the pandemic of COVID-19, the demand for virus testing dramatically increased, and so did the cost and waste caused by the tests. Traditionally, the subjects are tested individually, meaning that the number of tests conducted is the same as the number of people to receive testing. When a massive population needs to be tested, overloading in laboratories will be led and a tremendous amount of waste will be generated. In this paper, we investigated how to increase the efficiency of conducting tests. We estimate the total amount of tests used by different methods like pooling samples together and doing multiple groupings. We compared the results and found that the multiple grouping model is the optimum solution for our problem.
AU Cheuk-yi
LI Sze-wing, Jennifer
LI Tsz-yau
WONG Hin-lam
CHAN Hoi-chi, Galie
Junior Secondary
Best presentation (Junior secondary project)
Awarded work
Celebrating Marion's Theorem: Correlations, Construction and Connections
Theme of the Portfolio
Brief of Work
In this report, we attempted to prove Marion’s Theorem with a deductive approach. We also expanded on her discoveries by constructing variations of the original diagram, and attempted to prove the observations and special properties found. The idea was extended to equilateral and isosceles triangles, and then to parallelograms, rhombuses, squares and rectangles. This project has connected the younger generation of mathematicians to the older generations. Although this all started by simply connecting lines together, we have achieved our goal at the end: “Celebrating Marion’s Theorem: Correlation, Construction and Connection”.
CHAN Sze-wing, Christine
IP Wing-chun, Ariel
JIANG Pak-yin, Yolanda
WONG Wing-yin, Audrey
WONG Yu-kiu, Yuuki
Junior Secondary
Outstanding performance (Junior secondary project)
Awarded work
Your Order has Arrived: How to Deliver Food Efficiently
Theme of the Portfolio
Brief of Work
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak, the use of food delivery services is growing increasingly prevalent in our society. Different food delivery companies have adopted different methods to design routes for delivering orders. Selecting the right route is essential as it directly influences a company’s cost and profit. In order to design the optimal route, one must take into account many factors such as distance, the sequence of orders, the number of orders and customer experience, etc. In our project, we are going to develop a mathematical model to determine the optimal route for one or more riders to deliver food orders.
CHIK Heung-yin
CHUNG Ka-kit
SIN Chu-ching
WONG Ka-chun
Junior Secondary
Outstanding performance (Junior secondary project)
Awarded work
Investigation on the Coin Throwing Game
Theme of the Portfolio
Brief of Work
In this project, we find the probability of winning the coin throwing game. That is, the probability of a coin fitting on tessellated patterns. The tessellation patterns include square, rectangle, equilateral triangle, arbitrary triangle and regular hexagon. General formulas are found depending on the number of tessellated shapes and their size.
CHAN Chung-him
CHAN Yin-hang
CHOW Pun-hin
HUNG Chun-ho
ZHANG Chit-pan
ZHANG Lo-hua
Junior Secondary
Outstanding performance (Junior secondary project)
Awarded work
Rock, Paper, Scissors or ?
Theme of the Portfolio
Brief of Work
We usually play rock, paper or scissors in our daily life to randomly and fairly to determine who is the winner. However, it is quite time-consuming if the number of players increases. We investigate some more ways to play a similar game to Rock Paper Scissors which is more efficient to determine a winner in this project.
HE Huang-zhen
CHENG Man-hei
LAM Kwan-ho
LEUNG Ka-hei
LI Lok-yin
WONG Ka-fun
Junior Secondary
Mathematical Modelling Award (Junior secondary project)
Awarded work
The COVID-19 Testing Problem: Efficiency of Conducting Tests
Theme of the Portfolio
Brief of Work
During the pandemic of COVID-19, the demand for virus testing dramatically increased, and so did the cost and waste caused by the tests. Traditionally, the subjects are tested individually, meaning that the number of tests conducted is the same as the number of people to receive testing. When a massive population needs to be tested, overloading in laboratories will be led and a tremendous amount of waste will be generated. In this paper, we investigated how to increase the efficiency of conducting tests. We estimate the total amount of tests used by different methods like pooling samples together and doing multiple groupings. We compared the results and found that the multiple grouping model is the optimum solution for our problem.
CHOI Wing-yu
HUANG Wan-fei
KWOK Hin-shun
CHAN Hoi-nam
Secondary 1
Outstanding performance (S1 mini-project)
Awarded work
Theme of the Portfolio
Brief of Work
在這次專題研習中, 我們會從摺紙鶴中分析出當中的數學原理,以及利用我們分析出來的公式,去尋找社會上不同紙鶴作品的原本面積。希望透過這個專題研習向大家展示出摺紙和數學的有趣和奧妙之處,一起從中找到樂趣。
AU Wing-hei, Jazlyn
MAI Polly
WONG Hoi-ching
CHAU Yu-yiu, Zabrina
HO Tsz-yan, Antonia
Secondary 1
Outstanding performance (S1 mini-project)
Awarded work
The Planning of the Fire Evacuation Routes for our School
Theme of the Portfolio
Brief of Work
In this project, we aim to plan the evacuation routes of our school as we would like to see if the existing routes can be further improved. We started by taking measurements in the school. Next, we gathered the measurements and created 2 spreadsheets. In sheet 1, we included all venues, staircases and corridors to indicate the travelling time and the number of people that can evacuate along neighbouring venues in all possible routes. Sheet 2 is the planning for all routes and the calculation of the time needed for each route. At last, we will compare the planned routes of this project to the existing evacuation routes.
AU Wing-hei, Jazlyn
MAI Polly
WONG Hoi-ching
CHAU Yu-yiu, Zabrina
HO Tsz-yan, Antonia
Secondary 1
Mathematical Modelling Award (S1 mini-project)
Awarded work
The Planning of the Fire Evacuation Routes for our School
Theme of the Portfolio
Brief of Work
In this project, we aim to plan the evacuation routes of our school as we would like to see if the existing routes can be further improved. We started by taking measurements in the school. Next, we gathered the measurements and created 2 spreadsheets. In sheet 1, we included all venues, staircases and corridors to indicate the travelling time and the number of people that can evacuate along neighbouring venues in all possible routes. Sheet 2 is the planning for all routes and the calculation of the time needed for each route. At last, we will compare the planned routes of this project to the existing evacuation routes.
Last revision date : 21 February 2025
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